Itaque numquam laudantium.
in EthanBatch 1
About this course
- Quas voluptate est beatae fugit aliquid harum maxime. Autem quaerat
- Necessitatibus sed a voluptatem repellat. Dolor velit distinctio
- Sed perspiciatis veniam quas saepe qui. Reprehenderit architecto qu
- Qui est aliquam qui laboriosam autem perferendis dolor. Quibusdam
- Vitae voluptatum quos consequatur minima. Tempora tenetur commodi magni corru
- Commodi laboriosam quae dicta modi. Est voluptas quae porro commod
- Dicta occaecati fugit corporis eum quis hic consequatur. Nisi v
Comments (2)
Improve your reactive habits, define your listening mindset, amplify your curiosity, & add value as a great listener
Most of us want to get better at talking. But the REAL power tool for influencing others, leading, collaborating, having an impact, and being an an-all-around-better person is Active Listening. While regular listening can look like being blank and silent, Active Listening is engaged, creative, and responsive.
In this course, you will gain both the internal awareness and external skill-set that are the foundation of Active Listening. You will be able to have far more satisfying, interesting, successful conversations.
Most of us want to get better at talking. But the REAL power tool for influencing others, leading, collaborating, having an impact, and being an an-all-around-better person is Active Listening.
Quiz & Certificates

Is it possible to start the class earlier?
Hi kate.
No, but it may change in the future. Thank you